Deep Thinker Knows Lots about Nursing!

Deep Thinker and Rowdy Rebel are ALL into helping with their newly born little brother. Deep Thinker kept begging to feed the baby. So, on about Day 3, I thought we could give it a try. I said, “Okay, you sit here. Cross your legs, and I’ll put the baby in your lap.”

Deep Thinker asked, “Do I need to take my shirt off or something?” He heheheheheh. He didn’t realize I was preparing a BOTTLE to assist him:)

Look at This Little Guy

Deep Thinker and Rowdy Rebel FINALLY got to meet their little newborn brother late last week. They are SO, SO excited. They keep talking to him, singing to him, want to feed him, and check on him constantly. You’d think I would be used to the preciousness of a newborn, but all I can do is stare at him, rub his soft skin, and talk to him in a baby voice. I had forgotten how cute and funny it is when they stretch their little arms up into the air and take big sighs, as if lying and pseudo-sitting has just completely worn them out!!! Their little cries that sound like kittens (to me), and their all-around total dependence on Mom and Dad is so sweet but sooo vulnerable. I knew he would mezmorize me, but I had forgotten to what extent!  In short, we are all having a precious, wonderful time with this baby!!!!

There is his photograph. Also, I’m sending birth announcements out–these have his in-hospital photo, which as with his older brothers’ newborn photos, looks almost nothing like him, and his eyes are closed in it, but it’s still a cute photo:)

Yet Another Question About God (that I can’t answer)

We still haven’t been to church. It’s been almost a year. As soon as I am able to fit into my clothes, we’re THERE. So I’ve been telling the boys we’re going to go together, but we will leave their little brother at home for a while. (Deep Thinker objects to this and wants the newborn to come with us. Soon enough my dear, soon enough.)

SO, out of nowhere Deep Thinker comes up to me this afternoon and says, “Hey Mom, I wonder if the baby still remembers being with God. Before he was born, I mean.”

My gosh. If only I had the vaguest idea how to answer these intriguing questions! Fortunately, Deep Thinker doesn’t totally rely on my answers. Per his nickname, he likes thinking things over as much as, if not more than, getting a straight answer. Just like his Grandpap (my Dad).

Revealing Questions about “Bad Guys”

I may have mentioned that “night time talking time” is a very important part of the boys’ bedtime routine. I sit on the futon in their room, and we discuss lots of topics. School, games, friends, family, and so on. The topics are the same as the ones we discuss after school, at dinner, and so on, but for some reason, at night the boys are more themselves–funnier, deeper, more inquisitive, and more into the conversation. Probably to keep my attention and avoid sleeping.

Anyway, yesterday we got onto the topic of BAD GUYS. I loved these questions and thought you would too:

  • Deep Thinker asked: “Mom, why would God make Bad Guys anyway?”
  • Rowdy Rebel asked: “Mom, do Bad Guys have wieners?”

Deep Thinker’s First Animation!

Update: Two new animations. Deep Thinker did the butterfly this past weekend–you have to click on the butterfly to see it move.

Deep Thinker made this animation! He drew about 20 pictures.

Then Dad put it into the computer for him. (And Dad, of course, explained how to draw each one so that altogether they would make a moving picture. As some of you know, Dad used to be a 2-D animator.)

I’m so proud:)

Will You Be Okay, Mom?

As many children, Rowdy Rebel has a crazy sweet tooth. Because he’s SO crazy about them, I have found it easier (and healthier) to limit his major snacks to once or twice on weekends. Though, he’s learning that once in a while, he can have a lollipop or other type of candy without screaming incessantly for another–moderation is good, and he seems to be catching on.

Anyway, the MAJOR desserts Rowdy Rebel and Deep Thinker get are ice cream and/or donuts on the weekend with Dad. That’s their special thing.

So, I was somewhat shocked at this little dialogue I just had with Rowdy. I asked, “Are you going with Daddy to get your donuts pretty soon?”

He looked up and said, “Yeah, Mommy. Are you coming?” I said that I probably won’t go this time–the baby is due in 6 weeks, so there’s just not much room now, even for donuts!

And Rowdy Rebel asked, “Will you be okay by yourself Mommy? Need me to stay with you?”


Thanks for Nothing…Santa?

Rowdy Rebel has always had an overly active imagination. This is sometimes really fascinating to watch. But in his sleep, it can cause problems. The other night he was making upset sounds in his sleep saying “STOP IT. That’s BAD. Don’t DO THAT!”

I went to rub him, which seems to help calm him in his sleep sometimes. But he kept twisting and turning and acting agitated in his sleep. So, I gently woke him up and said, “It’s okay, Sweetie, you are just having a dream. Tell me about it.”

He said, “Santa is BAD. He couldn’t come through our chimley.” [We don’t have a chimney.] “So, he took a hammer and started banging it on our roof. And he banged and banged, and made a HOLE to climb through in our HOUSE.”

This nightmare must have had roots in the “Three Little Pigs” bedtime story we’ve been telling…But I still haven’t figured out the Santa connection…

Anyway, I started to console him, but he put his arms around me and yelled “You broke our house! THANKS FOR NOTHING, SANTA!” Had he not sounded so incredibly hurt and offended, I think this comment would have made me laugh aloud for days…But instead, we had a talk about Santa and dreams. And Rowdy Rebel felt much better pretty quickly:)

I Pile My Clothes Like You Do, Mom

Rowdy Rebel has been so sassy lately!

Yesterday a good friend gave us two bags of clothes her son outgrew. Rowdy Rebel is only 4 (almost) so thinks second-hand clothing is COOL since it was worn by BIG boys before he got it.

SO, Rowdy had a fun time pulling ALL of the clothes out of the 2 huge bags, surveying all of the superhero logos, colors, and so on. I went into his room and said, “Man, this is messy. We need to put these clothes back in the bags until I organize the clothes in your drawers.”

Rowdy Rebel made big, buggy eyes at me and said, “MOM, I’m just putting them in a pile like YOU DO.” (He was referring to the pile of clean laundry that gets dumped into my floor each week and which I haven’t had time to fold for one month.) Thanks Rowdy, I see what you mean.

Deep Thinker Claims to Know About Girls

Today Deep Thinker and I took a walk. He told me that a girl in his class confessed to having a crush on him. He often refers to her as “the meanest girl in the class.”

So I asked him why he thinks she acts mean.

He said (and I quote directly), “Well, I can tell you that. Because I know a thing or two about girls.”

I was laughing but he didn’t seem to mind. He continued, “See, sometimes when girls have a CRUSH, they try to HIDE it.”

Yes, this sounds about right. I’ll keep you updated on Deep Thinker’s knowledge about girls;)

My Son Waters the Lawn + Neighbor’s Window, Printer, and Bed

What fun. Deep Thinker will be a second grader when the summer is over. He asked if he could have an allowance. I thought, sure. But let’s give him at least one or two chores. (He currently has no chores and I have been pondering when to introduce them. I suppose I’m behind on this…)

Anyway, his two chores are watering the lawn and making his bed. I love those chores. Because I don’t like doing them. But he LOVES doing them. He feels responsible and he likes the idea of “earning” money.

Because he’s so conscious of rules, I didn’t think too much about the need to repeat and enforce the lawn-watering rules. There’s just one rule: Don’t water over or beyond the 8-foot fence around our yard. We have neighbors on each side, plus another neighbor right beyond the fence.

But tonight as he was watering the lawn, an irate neighbor called me and said that Deep Thinker was not only watering her windows, but before she could close them, he managed to water her PRINTER which sits right inside the window. And he watered her BED which is beside the printer. I suppose her four cats really enjoyed that. I suppose I really enjoyed that phone call.

Of course, Deep Thinker was MORTIFIED when I told him about this. He was so upset he didn’t even ask about his allowance. He just wanted another chance to water our lawn. He he. We walked over so that he could explain that he didn’t realize he was watering things beyond the fence. I was so proud of him. He’s so shy, but made a nice brave apology. And I think that smoothed things over…I hope.

Hm. So that’s what a mother gets for providing the allowance he asked for…