Where God Lives: Rowdy Rebel’s Theory

I am not doing a lot to promote spirituality and religion at home. I want to do more. But at least each day we say the blessing and express thanks for the things we have and ask for help growing and learning and being better. We were saying the blessing at dinner two days ago, […]

Six-Year Old Calls Self a “Man”

Deep Thinker is now taking guitar lessons. His teacher is named Phil. I could tell on day one that these two were going to study well together. Phil is really polite, serious, and diligent about where the last lesson left off and where the new one begins. Very patient guy and excellent guitar player (of […]

Reincarnation: Same Sex Only

Deep Thinker is fascinated with religion and the afterlife. He constantly has questions about it (and has since age 4). He must have heard about reincarnation somewhere. He just came and said, “You know, maybe when you die, you are born again as another person. And you just live on earth forever.” So I said, […]

When a Toddler Says the Blessing

Tonight, Rowdy Rebel looked sooo cute as he said the blessing. His eyes were closed, he grinned the entire time, and instead of putting his hands together, his arms were spread out like he was ready to give the world a big hug…or a big speech. Here was his blessing: “God, thank you for my […]

First Grader’s Questions on God and the Sun

I love Deep Thinker’s questions about God. They are never ending. We are going to church finally, so hopefully he’ll start getting some answers. It’s so sweet that he keeps asking me new questions, despite that I am almost never able to answer any of the ones he’s asked so far…Here are some examples: 1) […]

God and Santa and Powers

Today in church the message was that we need to let God shine and work through us, since he uses our hands and bodies to change the world and do good things. On the way home, I was explaining this to my six-year old. Nodding is head, he asked, “Oh, is that why God gave […]

Not Ready to Be a Dad

This year in kindergarten, Deep Thinker learned about symbols of the United States, inclulding the bald eagle. He became somewhat obssessed with the bald eagle, so we had to do lots of internet research on them. We learned that newly hatched bald eagles attach to the first moving thing they see as their mother, even […]

Beds in Heaven?

Deep Thinker is going through a phase of asking lots of questions about God and heaven. So, we were on our way to school, and he pointed to a house as we walked by it, and asks, “Mom, are there houses in heaven?” I said, “Well, I am not sure. People might not need houses […]

Question about Samaritans

A few years ago, my five-year old was in the church Nativity play. He and other children practiced their roles in the play four several weeks leading up to the performance. On our way home from practices, he was full of questions about events and characters in the play. One evening, the children playing shepherds […]