Posted on November 27th, 2007 by Writer
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, we got together with our friends Alex and Lila. They have a baby named Misha. My six and three year old’s LOVE Misha. He’s 8 months old, and a really sweet little boy. Rowdy Rebel (age 3) was showing Misha all of his toy cars. He was really excited about it […]
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Posted on July 20th, 2007 by Writer
We think we’re ready to have a third child. I had the sweetest conversation with my three-year old. First, I asked him if he’d like to have a baby brother or sister. He said he’d like to have a baby brother. He added, “I don’t want to be the baby. I want to be big […]
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Posted on May 11th, 2007 by Writer
When we were in Northern California, Deep Thinker’s class took a field trip to a factory where they make teddy bears. Before he went, he asked me my favorite color but wouldn’t tell me why. I said black. But he said, no, that he thought red might be a better one. So, I said “Okay, […]
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Posted on April 8th, 2007 by Writer
We were talking about a show with dragons and heroes. Rowdy Rebel said that he is a dragon and then acted like one, blowing out pretend fire and stuff like that. My husband asked, “Is Daddy a dragon?” Rowdy Rebel said yes. Then we asked, “Is Mommy a dragon?” He repeated yes. Next we asked, […]
Filed under: Child Thoughts, Children and Toys, Sibling Rivalry, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Big Brother is NOT a Dragon
Posted on March 28th, 2007 by Writer
I was recently informed of the following things: 1) My kindergartner’s ears feel stopped up. He’s pretty sure he has an ear “infunction.” 2) Also his “taste bumps” used to love chicken, but not anymore. 3) My toddler’s Spiderman toy is a good guy, but the Hulk is a “gag guy.” How can I possibly […]
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Posted on March 24th, 2007 by Writer
Rowdy Rebel likes to sleep with toys. Today he found this plastic Spiderman toy that dances and sings and decided to sleep with it. When I went to check on the boys at night, Rowdy Rebel was asleep with his little armed wrapped around Spiderman. I really like the way Spiderman is laying right on […]
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Posted on March 13th, 2007 by Writer
Today in Rowdy Rebel’s preschool, the kids made these huge paper butterfly wings. They cut them out of paper, let the children color designs on them, and taped them to their backs. My son’s were so big, the wings are easily visible from all views. When I put him in the stroller to walk home, […]
Filed under: Child Speech, Child Thoughts, Children and Toys, Kids Talking about Themselves, School Tales, Uncategorized | Comments Off on My Little Butterfly
Posted on August 1st, 2006 by Writer
Rowdy Rebel drew a beautiful crayon picture on the wall in the afternoon yesterdayl. I cleaned that off. Then somehow he got a hold of two markers. I noticed it was very quiet in his room, which peaked my interest (and fear). So, I went in, and there he was, drawing another picture for me […]
Filed under: Children and Toys, Damage Control, Lessons Learned, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Oooooh Dear…Art All Over My Walls
Posted on May 15th, 2006 by Writer
Mother’s Day. We had such a nice time!!! We visited our friends. While there, Deep Thinker sat happily at the edge of their pool, kicking his feet in the water. Then they brought out the mega-power water guns. We all got squirted big-time. Deep Thinker and his friend were squirting forever at this other water […]
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