Wake Up for Cars

Today, I went to check on Rowdy Rebel while he was taking a nap. He was sleeping so soundly with his little mouth open… I tried to wake him up without scaring him by quietly saying, “Wake uuuuup, little one!” He barely opened his eyes, looked around and started saying “car, car.” He wasn’t even […]

Gotcha GOOD

Deep Thinker LOVES trying to tell funny jokes. His new catch phrase is “gotcha GOOD.” It is indeed amusing to hear this phrase used in the humor of a four-year old. This morning, Rowdy Rebel had a stinky diaper, and I changed it. Right after that, Deep Thinker said, “Mommy, I think Rowdy Rebel has […]

Rowdy Rebel Constantly Strips

Today, Rowdy Rebel has stripped off every bit of his clothing three times, including his diaper. THANKS Rowdy. This happens pretty much anytime I have to do anything in another room–cook, shower, etc. I greatly enjoy getting him dressed again numerous times a day. Deep Thinker is “drawing games.” They look like a bunch of […]