Why People Get Expensive Cars
We need a new car, so there are a lot of discussions about cars these days.
Deep Thinker keeps pointing out models he knows to be expensive. But I keep responding that there is no point in owning an expensive car. We don’t need expensive things. We just need to be able to transport ourselves from our home to karate lessons. From home to school. From home to the store.
Deep Thinker has been trying to explain his stance. And today, he had a very interesting point. He based it on a new pair of Nike running shoes we bought him for school a week ago:
“Mom, you know why people like expensive cars? It’s the same reason they like expensive shoes. It’s not because of the price. It’s what you get FOR the price. Example–my new Nike’s. They’re expensive. But when I put them on my FEET , there is such a big DIFFERENCE. See Mom, you wear old, cheap shoes. You’re like that person who would walk around with bad shoes or even no shoes–and you will feel fine. But you will never know how comfortable your feet would feel in a nice pair of Nike’s!”
Hm. Thinks he knows everything. Little smarty pants.
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