Are We Aliens?


Deep Thinker and I had a great discussion the other night. He asked me if I believe in aliens.

I don’t like to confirm questions like that. I like to hear what he thinks. So I gave a vague answer, and he looked perfectly satisfied with it and kept right on talking.

He said, “Well I definitely believe in aliens. If there aren’t aliens, then what are all the PLANETS FOR?” And as he asked this, he threw his hands in the air and wrinkled his eyebrows like anyone who doesn’t believe in aliens is absolutely crazy.

Then–I loved this part–he really started theorizing. “The aliens would be smarter than us.” I threw out the thought that well, if they reached earth, that’d probably mean they’re smarter, since we can’t go further than the moon (at least any aircraft with a person inside).

Then his eyes got really wide, and he said, “Hey, to them, WE’RE the ones from outer space. That means we’re aliens.”

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