Baby Madness and Candid Kids
My boys were on “Baby Madness and Candid Kids” on the Discovery Health channel last night. It’s a cute show that shows children’s quotes and their responses in funny scenarios. Some children were asked to take long phone messages. Others were told not to touch a huge Lego model, and then the supervising adult steps out of the room.
Deep Thinker described a few different things. When asked to describe his little brother (Rowdy Rebel), he said he’s “violent.” When asked about babies, he explained that they poop–and then shared further information on the various colors of baby poop. Finally, when asked about the differences between girls and boys, he explained that girls wear bras, have bigger boobs than boys, and “that’s about it.”
He wrote about “Baby Madness and Candid Kids” on his blog:)
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