American Idol and Abraham Lincoln…?

This is so fun. I have to write reviews on American Idol as part of my job–it’s a funny and fun part. Technically, I don’t have to watch the show to do the reviews, but I thought I’d try to see if the boys might like it.

And they did! So we’ve been watching it together. Deep Thinker likes Allison Iraheta. Rowdy Rebel likes the contestants Deep Thinker Likes. I like Adam Lambert, the wild guy.

Tonight we watched and Deep Thinker said the funniest thing! We watched all of the contestants, and heard the judges’ comments. And at the very end of the show, Deep Thinker looks up and says, “Ya know who’d probably be real good on this show?”

And I asked, “Who?”

His answer: “Barack Obama.”

I laughed aloud. Then he followed up, “OR Abraham Lincoln!”

Yep–seeing Abraham Lincoln sing a song on American Idol sounds pretty fun. I wonder what song he would choose…I’ll ask Deep Thinker.

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