Deep Thinker Babysits
Well, Deep Thinker doesn’t REALLY babysit. He’s only 7.
But he looooves watching and entertaining his baby brother. And what intrigues me most is how talented he is at doing this. He can get the baby to take a pacifier more quickly than I can. When Deep Thinker talks, the baby looks in his direction (because he already loves Deep Thinker).
Just now, Deep Thinker said the sweetest thing ever. He was playing with the baby. Then the baby fell asleep. Deep Thinker looked up at me and said, “Look at that. I got the baby to go to sleep. And it only took me 30 minutes!” (That would seem like a long time to me, but not to Deep Thinker. His pace is slow like nature’s:)
Rowdy Rebel also LOVES to take care of the baby. Unfortunately, he gets a little WILD about it, as with other things in life. But it’s awfully sweet to watch him trying as hard as he can to be gentle.
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