Rowdy Rebel Turns Off the TV

Yesterday Rowdy Rebel and I were rushing out the door. We needed to pick up Deep Thinker from school. I told Rowdy Rebel to turn off the TV (as he considers this his important chore, no comment on how easy or un-chorelike it is…he’s only 4 after all…). Then I bolted out the door, waiting […]

Rowdy Rebel Describes His Friend

Rowdy Rebel is apparently an angel at pre-school. Isn’t that ironic? But of course, his best friend is the “wild kid” who is not only wild, but seems quite mean. Rowdy Rebel and this child LOVE each other. They want playdates together, they share snacks, they throw sand at each other… I’m encouraging Rowdy Rebel […]

Deep Thinker Babysits

Well, Deep Thinker doesn’t REALLY babysit. He’s only 7. But he looooves watching and entertaining his baby brother. And what intrigues me most is how talented he is at doing this. He can get the baby to take a pacifier more quickly than I can. When Deep Thinker talks, the baby looks in his direction […]