How to Marry the Right Person: First Grader Advice
When I tucked in my six-year old last night, he said (out of nowhere), “Hey Mommy, I know how you can tell if the person you are marrying is nice.”
Full of curiosity, I asked him how to tell. With his eyes opened really wide, he said, “You get to know em.”
I said that’s a really good idea, and asked how you get to know them. Face still the same–big eyes and real serious–he said, “You spend a lot of time with ’em.”
This child thinks so much about marriage. Do all six-year olds do this? He also asked me how people decide the names of children because “it must be real hard to decide from all those names!”
Filed under: Child Kindness, Child Thoughts, Damage Control, Kid Theories on Marriage, Uncategorized